You've taken the leap and signed up for a gym membership, and maybe you've even had the opportunity to visit the gym a few times. Now comes the important part: creating a gym schedule that will give you the best results and fit in with your other commitments.

In this article, we'll explain the best time to go to the gym, including how to beat the gym crowd and plan workouts in alignment with your preferences. 

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Understanding Gym Peak Hours

The first thing to consider when choosing the best time to go to the gym is understanding peak hours. These are the times when the gym is most crowded, and you may have to wait for equipment or deal with many people in a small space. Knowing the peak hours can help you plan your workout schedule more effectively.

Peak hours vary from gym to gym, but generally, they occur during the following times:

  • Early morning: Many people like to work out before they start their day, so the gym can be busy between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
  • Lunchtime: Some people like to take a break from work and hit the gym during lunch, so expect crowds between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.
  • After work: This is the most popular time to hit the gym, so expect crowds between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

These times may vary depending on your location and the type of gym you're going to. Some gyms may be busier on weekends, while others may have a steady stream of people throughout the day.

If you need to know when the peak hours are at your gym, ask the staff or take note of when it's busiest. Knowing peak times lets you decide whether to face the gym crowd or opt for a quieter gym session.

A woman exercising in a gym.

Early Morning Gym Sessions

If you are an early riser, going to the gym in the morning might be the perfect fit. Not only will you be able to get your workout done before the day gets busy, but you will also have more energy throughout the day.

One of the benefits of going to the gym in the morning is that it can help you establish a routine. By making exercise a part of your morning routine, you are more likely to stick to it and make it a habit.

Another advantage of morning gym sessions is that the gym is usually less crowded during this time. This means you won't have to wait for equipment or feel self-conscious in front of others.

Starting your day with exercise is excellent for your mind and body. You will feel a sense of achievement knowing that your workout is done for the day whilst others are still sleeping. 

Midday Fitness Breaks

If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to go to the gym after work or early in the morning, consider taking a midday fitness break. A midday workout can be a great way to break up your workday, boost your energy levels, and improve your overall productivity.

One of the benefits of midday fitness breaks is that they can help you avoid the post-work rush at the gym. Many people find the gym less crowded during the middle of the day, so you'll have more space and equipment to work with.

Another advantage of midday workouts is that they help you avoid the afternoon slump. Exercise has been shown to boost energy levels and improve mental clarity, which can help you power through the rest of your workday. 

If you want to squeeze a workout into your lunch break, try a shorter, high-intensity workout. A 30-minute interval or circuit training session can be just as effective as a longer workout, and it will leave you feeling energised and refreshed.

A man and woman squatting with weights on their shoulders in a gym.

Late Evening Workouts: Pros and Cons

When it comes to working out in the evening, there are both pros and cons to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind before you hit the gym after work:


  • Less crowded: One of the biggest advantages of working out in the evening is that the gym is usually less crowded. This means you won't have to wait for equipment, and you’ll have the space to conduct your workout properly. 
  • Stress relief: An evening workout can be a great way to relieve stress after a long day at work. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help improve your mood and reduce stress levels.
  • Better sleep: Some people find that working out in the evening helps them sleep better. Exercise can help regulate your sleep cycle and burn excess energy before bedtime. 


  • Fatigue: If you're already tired from a long day at work, you may find it difficult to muster the energy for a workout. This can lead to a less effective workout or even injury if you aren’t careful.
  • Schedule conflicts: Working out in the evening can sometimes conflict with other evening activities, such as family time or social events. You'll need enough time to complete your workout without cutting into other important activities.
  • Difficulty winding down: Some people find that working out in the evening makes it difficult to wind down and relax before bed. If you're one of these people, consider working out earlier.

Overall, working out in the evening can greatly relieve stress and avoid crowds at the gym. Just make sure you're aware of the potential drawbacks and plan accordingly. 

Always listen to your body and choose a time that is right for you and your needs. 

A woman sitting down in a gym next to dumbbells and a water bottle.

Weekend Gym Timing

When it comes to hitting the gym on the weekends, it's important to consider the best time to avoid overcrowding and long waits for equipment.

Saturday mornings tend to be the busiest time at the gym, with many people using their weekend mornings to get their workout in. If you prefer a quieter gym experience, avoiding the peak hours between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. is best. Instead, try going earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon when the crowds have thinned out.

Sunday mornings are also a popular time to hit the gym, but the crowds tend to be less intense than on Saturdays. If you want to avoid the busiest times, try going on a Sunday afternoon when many people are winding down their weekend and preparing for the week ahead.

It's also worth noting that some gyms offer reduced weekend hours, so check your gym's schedule before planning your weekend workout.

It pays off to get to know your gym's busy and quiet hours and plan accordingly. By doing so, you can ensure that your workouts are enjoyable. 

Benefits of Off-Peak Gym Hours

If you want to maximise your gym experience, consider hitting the gym during off-peak hours. Here are some benefits of doing so:

1. Less Crowded

During peak hours, you may have to wait in line for equipment or struggle to find a spot to work out. Going during off-peak hours means you can avoid the crowds and have more space to exercise.

2. Better Access to Equipment

With fewer people at the gym, you'll have better access to your needed equipment. You won't have to worry about someone else using the machine you need or switching up your workout because the equipment you want is already in use.

3. More Personal Attention

During off-peak hours, gym staff may have more time to offer personal attention. You can get more one-on-one time with a personal trainer or have more opportunities to ask questions about your workout routine.

4. A More Peaceful Environment

If you prefer a quieter, more peaceful environment for your workouts, off-peak hours may be perfect for you. You can avoid the noise and distractions of a busy gym and focus on your workout.

5. More Flexibility

Going to the gym during off-peak hours gives you more flexibility with your schedule. You won't have to rush to the gym before it gets too crowded; you can take your time with your workout.

To find your gym's off-peak hours, ask a staff member or check their website for details. Many gyms now offer an app that gives you access to real-time data regarding gym usage, which can be very helpful in planning your workouts.

An empty gym.

Factors Influencing the Best Gym Time 

When choosing the best time to plan a workout, several factors must be considered. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on the best gym time for you:

1. Your Work Schedule

If you have a 9-to-5 job, you might find hitting the gym during peak hours challenging. The gym is usually crowded during early mornings and after work hours. If you prefer to work out in a less crowded environment, consider utilising your lunch break for a short yet powerful workout. 

If you have a shift working pattern or work part-time, consider planning your workouts every week around your shifts to ensure you can still get your workouts in, even if they are at different times every week. 

2. Your Other Commitments

Family, social life, and hobbies can also affect your gym schedule. It’s always helpful to balance your personal life and fitness goals. If you have children, consider squeezing a workout in when they are at school.

If you have a busy social life, think about working out during the week, leaving your weekend free for activities. 

3. Gym Crowds

The gym can be a busy place, especially during peak hours. If you prefer to avoid waiting for equipment or sharing space with many people, consider going during off-peak hours. This could mean going early in the morning or later in the evening.

4. Energy Levels

Your energy levels can also play a role in determining the best gym time. Some people feel more energised in the morning, while others prefer to work out in the evening. If you need to figure out when you have the most energy, try working out at different times of the day to see what works best for you.

5. Fitness Goals

Your fitness goals can also influence the best gym time for you. Access to weights is essential if you're trying to build muscle, which might be more difficult during peak hours. 

If you're trying to lose weight, you must have access to cardio equipment, which might be easier during quieter times. 

Ultimately, the best gym time is the one that works best for you and your schedule. Consider these factors when deciding the best time to hit the gym.

A young man sitting down in a gym smiling.

The Body's Circadian Rhythm

Your body's circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. 

The circadian rhythm affects many aspects of your body, including hormone levels, temperature, and metabolism. It also affects your energy levels and physical performance, making it an important factor to consider when deciding the best time to go to the gym.

Research has shown that the body's circadian rhythm typically follows a 24-hour cycle, with peaks and dips in energy levels throughout the day. For most people, the peak energy levels occur in the late morning and early afternoon, while the lowest energy levels occur in the early morning and late at night.

This means the best time to go to the gym may vary depending on your circadian rhythm. 

If you are a morning person, you may have more energy and be able to work out more effectively in the early morning. If you are a night owl, you may prefer to work out in the evening when your energy levels are higher.

It's important to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel throughout the day. Experiment with different workout times to find what works best for you and your circadian rhythm.

Women squatting in a gym with weights.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best times to go to the gym to build muscle?

The best times to build muscle in the gym are late afternoon or early evening. At this time, your body temperature is at its highest, making it easier to perform heavy lifts and push yourself harder during your workout.

What are the best times to go to the gym for weight loss?

The best times to go to the gym for weight loss are in the morning or early afternoon. This is because your body's metabolism is at its highest during these times, so you'll burn more calories during your workout.

What are the least busy times to go to the gym?

The least busy times to go to the gym are very early in the morning or late at night. If you're looking to avoid crowds and have access to all the equipment, these times are your best bet.

What are the best times to go to the gym for introverts?

The best times for introverts to go to the gym are during off-peak hours. This is typically early in the morning or late at night when fewer people are around. Alternatively, you could go during the middle of the day when the gym is less busy.

What are the benefits of going to the gym in the morning?

Going to the gym in the morning has several benefits. Firstly, it can help you start your day off on the right foot, boosting energy and motivation. Secondly, it can help you establish a consistent routine, which is important for achieving your fitness goals. It can help you avoid the crowds and get your workout done before the rest of your day gets in the way.

Is it better to go to the gym in the morning or evening?

This question has no definitive answer, as it ultimately depends on your preferences and schedule. However, if you want to establish a consistent routine, going to the gym in the morning may be the better option. On the other hand, if you're looking to unwind after a long day, going to the gym in the evening may be more beneficial.

A man running on a treadmill.

The Best Time to Go to the Gym: A Summary 

The best time to go to the gym is a time that suits your energy levels, existing schedule, and workout preferences. Spend time experimenting with going to the gym at different times until you find a schedule that works for you and your lifestyle. 

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