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Unlock Your Learning Potential: 8 Essential Strategies for Online Study Success

Starting a new learning journey is an exciting experience that can really improve your life and create new opportunities. But, it's not always easy, especially when it's hard to stay away from distractions and keep your motivation up. If you're finding it tough to stop putting things off or to ...

How to Hypnotise Yourself

How to Hypnotise Yourself

Have you ever wondered how to hypnotise yourself? Maybe you’re curious about self-hypnosis for happiness, or perhaps you’re looking for technique ... Read More

Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Depression

You’ve probably encountered the term ‘hypnotherapy’ before. But did you know that hypnotherapy is a powerful, complementary treatment for those g ... Read More

Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Addiction

Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol dependence afflicts a staggering number of lives in the UK, with government figures estimating over 342,795 alcohol-only-related hospital ... Read More

How to Quit Smoking With the Help of Hypnotherapy

How to Quit Smoking With the Help of Hypnotherapy

Cigarette smoking claims over 78,000 lives per year in the UK, and is one of the nation’s leading causes of preventable death. Quitting can signi ... Read More

A Comprehensive Guide to Hypnotherapy for IBS Relief

A Comprehensive Guide to Hypnotherapy for IBS Relief

If you live with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), you know it's more than just a physical condition. It's a daily challenge that can affect your q ... Read More

Overcoming Phobias Effectively Through Hypnotherapy Techniques

Overcoming Phobias Effectively Through Hypnotherapy Techniques

Imagine being able to face your fears and phobias calmly and confidently. This is where hypnotherapy comes into play, offering a pathway to overc ... Read More

What is Hypnobirthing and What are the Benefits?

What is Hypnobirthing and What are the Benefits?

Hypnobirthing is an increasingly popular approach to childbirth, focusing on relaxation, breathing techniques, and a positive mindset. It's a met ... Read More

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety - How it Works

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety - How it Works

Life seems to move faster every day, and unfortunately, all that pressure is making anxiety an all-too-common friend for many people. Hypnotherap ... Read More

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss - How it Works

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss - How it Works

Understanding the role of the mind in weight management will significantly help your weight loss journey. If you're wondering how to lose weight ... Read More

Is Hypnosis Real? Exploring the Truth and Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy

Is Hypnosis Real? Exploring the Truth and Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy

"Is hypnosis real?" you may find yourself asking upon attending stage hypnosis performance. But if you're trapped by the belief that hypnosis is ... Read More

Student Testimonial - Matt Gilbert

Student Testimonial - Matt Gilbert

Clinical Hypnotherapist and owner of North Lincolnshire-based hypnotherapy, neuro linguistic programming and cognitive reprogramming therapy busi ... Read More