Are you looking for a simple yet effective way to manage anxiety, stress, or even depression? You might have heard of EFT tapping, a technique growing in popularity due to its gentle approach and the potential benefits it offers. 

In this blog post, we'll explore what EFT tapping is, how it works, and its potential to help you find emotional freedom. Whether you're new to this concept or just seeking more clarity, this guide is designed to inform and support you on your path to wellbeing.

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What is EFT Tapping?

Someone tapping the side of their hand

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, often simply called 'tapping'. It's a method that combines elements of traditional Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. The technique involves tapping on specific points on the body, known as meridian points, while focusing on a particular issue or emotion.

How Tapping Works

The principle behind EFT tapping is that your emotions and physical sensations are interconnected. Negative emotions can lead to physical distress and vice versa. Tapping on these meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue is believed to release energy blockages, reducing stress and unhelpful emotions.

The Science Behind EFT Tapping

Scientific studies shed light on the effectiveness of EFT Tapping, particularly in the areas of anxiety, depression, and stress reduction. A study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease highlighted EFT's effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders. Participants showed a decrease in anxiety scores compared to a control group. 

Similarly, research in the Journal of Clinical Psychology demonstrated EFT's capacity to reduce depressive symptoms. This study indicated immediate relief and suggested long-term benefits, with participants reporting lower depression levels over time.

These studies show EFT's multifaceted approach, combining neurological, physiological, and psychological aspects in managing emotional and mental health.

The Historical Background of EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping stems from ancient Chinese medicine, particularly the concept of meridians or energy pathways. These principles, central to acupuncture and acupressure, form the basis of EFT's approach to healing. 

The modern version of EFT evolved from Thought Field Therapy (TFT), developed in the 1980s by American psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan. Callahan’s pioneering work in tapping on specific meridian points to relieve emotional distress laid the groundwork for what would become EFT. His significant breakthrough came with a patient named Mary, whose severe water phobia was remarkably overcome through his tapping technique.

Today, EFT is a widely practiced technique by therapists, healthcare professionals, and individuals. It has been embraced in traditional and digital platforms for its simplicity, versatility, and non-invasive nature.

Learning the Tapping Points

There are nine main tapping points used in EFT: 

  • Top of the head
  • Eyebrow
  • Side of the eye
  • Under the eye
  • Under the nose
  • Chin
  • Beginning of the collarbone
  • Under the arm
  • Inside of the wrist

These points are specific areas on the body that correspond to energy meridians used in traditional Chinese medicine. By tapping these points, you release energy blockages, helping to manage emotions and promote healing. Let’s delve into each tapping point in more detail:

1. Top of the Head (Crown)

Woman tapping the top of her head

This point is located at the very top of your head. Tapping here can help in achieving a sense of overall balance and calmness. It’s often used for relieving stress and anxiety.

2. Eyebrow (Bladder Meridian)

Woman tapping her eyebrow

Located at the beginning of the eyebrow, just above the nose, this point relieves worry and fear. Tapping here can also help reduce headaches and eye strain.

3. Side of the Eye (Gallbladder Meridian)

Woman tapping the side of her eye

This point is found on the bone bordering the outside corner of each eye. It is particularly helpful in reducing clarity and decision-making issues and easing headaches and pain in the eye region.

4. Under the Eye (Stomach Meridian)

Woman tapping under her eye

Located under the eye, on the bone directly below the pupil when looking straight ahead, this point is linked to reducing anxiety and nervousness. It’s also useful for addressing stomach issues related to stress.

5. Under the Nose (Governing Vessel)

Woman tapping under her nose

This point sits just below the nose, above the upper lip. Tapping here is believed to balance emotions, especially sadness and grief. It's also known to help with feelings of powerlessness.

6. Chin (Central Vessel)

Woman tapping her chin

This point is right below the bottom lip, in the crease of the chin. It’s associated with shame and embarrassment and can help process and release these emotions.

7. Beginning of the Collarbone (Kidney Meridian)

Woman tapping her collarbone

This tapping point is where the sternum, collarbone, and first rib meet. It’s an essential point for relieving deep-seated emotional issues, fear, and anxiety, and is also thought to be beneficial for kidney health.

8. Under the Arm (Spleen Meridian)

Woman tapping the inside of her armpit

Located about a hand’s width from the armpit, this point helps process guilt, worry, and self-esteem-related emotions. It’s also associated with the spleen and immune system.

9. Inside of the Wrist

Woman tapping the inside of her wrist

This point is on the inside of the wrist, roughly in line with where a watchband would sit. It’s used for emotional balance and can be particularly effective for addressing issues related to emotional trauma and heartache.

As you tap on these points and focus on specific issues, you’re unlocking deeper emotional healing and well-being. The sequence and frequency of tapping can vary depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some may find relief after a few rounds of tapping, while others might need to practice more consistently over time. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Practising EFT Tapping

EFT tapping is a structured process that involves a series of steps. Following these steps carefully can enhance the effectiveness of the technique. Here's a detailed breakdown of how to do tapping therapy on yourself.

Step 1: Identify the Issue

Begin by pinpointing the specific problem or emotion you want to address. It could be anxiety, stress, a particular fear, or a troubling memory. The key is to be as specific as possible.

Think about how this issue affects you personally. What thoughts or feelings does it bring up? This step is crucial for ensuring that your tapping is focused and effective.

Step 2: Test the Intensity

Rate the intensity of your emotion or problem on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means no intensity at all and 10 means the highest possible intensity. This helps you measure the effectiveness of the tapping process.

Be honest with yourself about how you feel. This initial assessment will serve as a baseline to compare against after you have completed the tapping sequence.

Step 3: The Setup

Create a simple yet affirming statement that acknowledges the problem but also accepts yourself despite it. For example, "Even though I feel anxious about public speaking, I deeply and completely accept myself."

While repeating your affirmation three times, continuously tap on the 'karate chop' point – the fleshy part of the outside edge of your hand below the pinky finger.

This step helps to tune into the specific issue and create a balance in your energy system, making it ready for the tapping sequence.

Step 4: The Sequence

After the setup, tap on each of the nine main EFT points, typically 7-10 times each. As you tap, vocalise a reminder phrase related to your issue, such as "this anxiety" or "my fear of heights."

While tapping, focus on your feelings and thoughts related to the issue. Try to connect with the emotion or problem as you move through the points.

Step 5: Test the Intensity Again

After completing a round of tapping, pause and take a deep breath. Reassess the intensity level of your issue on the 0 to 10 scale.

Reflect on any changes in how you feel. If the intensity level is still higher than you'd like, you can repeat the tapping rounds. Sometimes, new aspects of the issue might emerge; address these in your subsequent rounds.

Additional Tips for Effective EFT Tapping

Try to relax and breathe naturally as you tap. The process should be gentle and rhythmic. Feel free to change your affirmation or reminder phrases during subsequent rounds to reflect any shifts in your feelings or perspective.

Remember that some issues might require more time and repeated tapping sessions. Be patient with yourself and the process.

The Benefits of EFT Tapping

Woman tapping the top of her head

FT tapping has a unique and powerful impact on various aspects of mental and physical health. Let's explore these benefits in more detail.

Reducing Anxiety and Stress

EFT tapping is particularly effective in calming the immediate symptoms of anxiety and stress. It works by soothing the nervous system, leading to a reduction in the physical and emotional symptoms commonly associated with stress and anxiety. With regular practice, EFT can also contribute to long-term stress management, teaching the body and mind healthier responses to stress triggers.

Managing Depression

In dealing with depression, EFT tapping can play a significant role in releasing trapped emotions that may be contributing to the condition. This release provides a way to lighten emotional burdens, which is a key step in managing depression. Furthermore, the technique strengthens the mind-body connection, promoting a greater sense of emotional balance and overall well-being.

Managing Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is often closely linked with emotional states. EFT tapping addresses the emotional aspects of pain, which can sometimes lead to a noticeable reduction in physical symptoms. As a holistic approach to pain management, tapping complements other therapies and offers a non-invasive way to reduce chronic pain.

Improving Sleep Quality

The calming effect of EFT tapping can positively impact sleep quality. By reducing stress and calming the mind, it creates a state of relaxation to help you sleep. Additionally, since many sleep issues are linked to underlying anxieties or worries, tapping can help address these root causes, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep.

Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing

One of the key benefits of EFT tapping is the empowerment it offers you to manage your emotional health. Regular tapping increases self-awareness, helping you better understand and address emotional triggers. This increased awareness nurtures overall emotional wellbeing, enabling a more proactive and informed approach to managing emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take for EFT Tapping to Work?

The time frame for experiencing results from EFT tapping varies. Some people may feel immediate relief, while others may notice changes gradually. The effectiveness can also depend on the nature of the issue being addressed.

Is it Normal to Cry During EFT Tapping?

Crying during EFT tapping is normal and even common. This emotional release is often a sign of releasing pent-up emotions and can be part of the healing process.

How Many Fingers Do You Use for Tapping?

Typically, two fingers are used for tapping. However, there's flexibility; you can use more fingers if you find it more comfortable or effective.

How Often Should You Tap EFT?

There's no strict rule regarding the frequency of EFT tapping. It's a flexible practice that can be done daily or as needed, depending on your circumstances and the issues you're addressing.

Can I Teach Myself Tapping?

EFT tapping is a straightforward technique you can learn and practice independently. There are many resources available to help you get started.

Can EFT Tapping be Done Anywhere?

One of the advantages of EFT tapping is its versatility. You can practice it almost anywhere, whether at home, in the office, or even while travelling, as long as you have a few quiet moments.

Does EFT Tapping Replace Professional Therapy?

While EFT tapping can be a powerful tool for emotional and physical relief, it's not intended to replace professional medical or psychological therapy. It's best used as a complementary technique alongside professional advice.

Are There Any Side Effects to EFT Tapping?

EFT tapping is generally considered safe with no major side effects. However, as it can evoke strong emotional responses, practising it in a safe and comfortable setting is important.

What if I Don't Feel Any Change After Tapping?

If you don't feel any change after tapping, consider exploring the issue more deeply or adjusting your approach. Sometimes, it may take multiple sessions to begin noticing shifts, especially for more deeply rooted issues.

How Does Tapping Relate to Traditional Medicine?

EFT tapping is not a traditional medical practice but rather a complementary therapy. It's based on the ancient principles of Chinese medicine, particularly the concept of energy meridians in the body.

Do I Need to Say Affirmations Out Loud While Tapping?

While saying affirmations out loud can enhance the effectiveness of the tapping process, it's not always necessary. You can also say them silently if you're in a public setting or prefer a more private experience.

How Long Should a Tapping Session Last?

A typical EFT tapping session can last anywhere from a few minutes to longer, depending on your needs and the complexity of the issue you're addressing. It's flexible to accommodate your schedule and preferences.

Enhance Your Well-being with EFT Tapping 

Learn the art of EFT tapping with our Emotional Freedom Technique Diploma Course.

Course Highlights:

  • In-depth Understanding of EFT: Delve into the fundamentals of EFT tapping, understanding its principles and techniques.
  • Practical Application: Learn how to effectively apply EFT tapping in various scenarios for emotional healing and stress management.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Our course is structured to guide you through each aspect of EFT tapping, ensuring a thorough and practical learning experience.
  • Expert Insights: Gain knowledge from experts in the field, enhancing your understanding and application of EFT tapping.

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