The word “telekinesis” comes from the Greek words for “mind” and “motion”, and refers to the ability to move objects with the mind. It’s an idea that has made its way into many fantasy and science fiction settings, and has captivated the human imagination for centuries! However, there’s actually a natural science that underlies the idea that takes it beyond the realms of science fiction, and into reality.

A man making a stone levitate with telekinesis

The evidence for real-life telekinesis is not conclusively proven or disproven from a purely scientific standpoint. However, proponents of telekinesis have put forward plenty of examples of this phenomena that go beyond personal or anecdotal testimony.

  • Parapsychological: Some parapsychologists (those who study paranormal phenomena) have used various experiments to explore telekinesis, with some researchers reporting positive results.
  • Poltergeist Phenomena: Poltergeist activity is often associated with telekinetic events. Poltergeists are said to be mischievous spirits that can move or levitate objects. Some researchers argue that these phenomena may be attributed to latent telekinetic abilities in individuals who experience emotional or psychological distress. However, others prefer to attribute poltergeist activity to natural causes or psychological factors.
  • Psychokinetic: Some proponents claim that telekinesis can be developed through rigorous mental training and practice. They argue that - with focused concentration, meditation, and visualisation techniques - individuals can harness their mental energy to influence physical objects.

The Science Behind Telekinesis

Although there is no scientific consensus to support the concept of telekinesis, this practice is actually rooted in natural science! Explanations for the phenomenon include magnetic fields, and sound or heat waves. However, some of the most commonly-reported explanations for telekinesis include:

  • Psychic Energy: Humans are thought to possess an invisible energy or force that they can harness and direct with their minds. This psychic energy allows individuals to manipulate objects without direct physical contact.
  • Quantum Mechanics: Some people draw connections between telekinesis and the principles of quantum mechanics: the branch of physics that describes the behaviour of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. Consciousness and intention are believed to be able to influence quantum processes, leading to macroscopic effects such as moving objects.
  • Mind-Matter Interaction: Some believers in telekinesis propose that the mind has the potential to directly influence matter: much like how our thoughts and intentions can influence our actions and behaviours. Telekinesis is therefore an extension of this mind-matter interaction, enabling individuals to move or affect physical objects through focused mental effort.
A man sitting in a chair with a book with books floating behind him

How to Learn Telekinesis

Proponents of telekinesis propose various methods and steps for learning or practising it:

  • Meditation and Focus: Meditation and developing intense focus are essential. Practitioners of telekinesis are encouraged to meditate regularly to clear the mind of distractions and achieve a heightened state of concentration. This is believed to enhance mental energy and the ability to influence objects.
  • Visualisation: Visualisation techniques are often recommended to aid in telekinetic practice. The budding practitioner is encouraged to visualise the desired movement or interaction with the object. It’s suggested that vividly imagining the object’s response can strengthen the connection between the mind and the target.
  • Energy Manipulation: Believers in telekinesis propose that individuals must learn to manipulate their own energy (or "chi") if they are to affect objects. This involves cultivating an awareness of one's own energy flow and directing it towards the object in question. Techniques like breathwork are also associated with energy manipulation.
  • Patience and Persistence: Learning telekinesis requires time, patience, and consistent practice. This is why it’s suggested that individuals should start with small, lightweight objects and only progress to larger ones as they gain proficiency.

Concentration Exercises for Telekinesis

Proponents of telekinesis may suggest the following exercises to enhance concentration and mental focus:

  • Candle Flame Meditation: Sit comfortably in a quiet space and place a lit candle at eye level. Focus your gaze on the flame for as long as possible. Notice the details of the flame, its movement, and its colours. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the flame.
  • Object Visualisation: Choose a small object, such as a coin or a small ball, and place it in front of you. Observe the object intently, noticing its shape, texture, and any other key details. Close your eyes and try to visualise the object in your mind as accurately as possible. With practice, you can attempt to mentally manipulate or move the object in your visualisation.
  • Breath Awareness: Find a quiet and comfortable spot to sit. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Observe the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. Concentrate on the rhythm, depth, and quality of your breathing. If your mind starts to wander, bring your focus back to your breathing.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Starting from your toes, consciously tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, moving upward. Focus your attention on the sensation of tension and release in each muscle group.
  • Mantra Repetition: Choose a simple word or phrase that holds personal significance or resonance with you. Sit quietly and repeat your chosen mantra silently or aloud. As you repeat the mantra, concentrate on the sound, rhythm, and vibration it creates within you.

Always remember that the effectiveness of these concentration exercises is subjective and may vary from person to person. The purpose of these exercises is to quiet the mind, focus attention, promote relaxation and greater bodily awareness, cultivate mindfulness, and to improve concentration and mental discipline; the most effective means of achieving these qualities are always going to be highly personal.

If you’d like to deepen your understanding, then our Telekinesis Diploma Course will introduce you to the different forms of telekinesis. You’ll study the research behind this fascinating ability, and ultimately uncover the steps you can take to prepare yourself to increase your own focus and concentration. It’s available for just £29 (save £98!), and we also have a broader Psychic Development Course on offer for the same price that allows you to become more attuned to all the possibilities that life has to offer in a more general sense. It can be difficult to develop these skills, as it means adjusting to a different reality, but, with effort and measured expectations, you really can achieve your highest potential!

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