We love hearing about our students’ successes, and today, we’re excited to share the inspirational story of Roxanne Phillips-Floyd. Her passion and dedication led her from studying our courses to opening her own unique shop, Mystical Infusions (Tea & Spells).

Discovering a New Path During Challenging Times

Image of CoE student, Roxanne

Roxanne’s journey began during the Covid pandemic, a time of uncertainty and change for many. 

“Before the pandemic hit and I was put on furlough, I was working as a Chef which I had been doing for the past 16 years. I started to lose my passion for it, and being on furlough made me realise that I didn't want to work in that profession anymore,” Roxanne recalled. 

“I decided on a career change and chose to study Herbalism as it was something I had been interested in for a long time.” 

This moment led Roxanne to explore new opportunities and interests that had long been a part of her life. She enrolled in the Advanced Master Herbalism Diploma Course at Centre of Excellence, which sparked a transformative journey.

Pursuing Passion Through Education

Roxanne’s decision to study herbalism came from a longstanding passion, and dreams of starting her own business in the field.

“I started with the Advanced Master Herbalism course and then progressed onto Magical Herbalism and Herbal Tea Blending, as my idea for a new business venture was a Herbal Tea and Witchcraft Shop,” Roxanne said. 

“Witchcraft was also something I had a passion for, and I was looking to create a business that I could use to help people be healthier by consuming herbs and teas and also help them start their own magical path.”

Through our courses, Roxanne gained the knowledge she needed and the confidence to turn her dreams into reality. Our flexible learning approach allowed her to balance her studies with her personal responsibilities, making it possible for her to pursue her new career path without any time restrictions.

From Home Crafting to Market Success

Once her courses were complete, Roxanne took the courageous step to start her business. 

“I didn't have anything to start the business, so I began by making everything at home and attending craft fairs to get my name out there. These ended up being a great success,” Roxanne recalled. 

Her dedication and hard work paid off, leading to unexpected opportunities.

“My dreams of having my own shop manifested quicker than expected, and I had the opportunity to have my own place after 6 months. This was a small shop in a high street arcade. I went from working a few Craft fairs a month to working full-time,” she shared.

Thriving in a New Environment

Roxanne’s journey didn’t stop there. She soon realised that her initial location wasn’t the perfect fit and decided to move to Swansea Indoor Market, where her business flourished. 

“My business took off instantly in the Market and has flourished since, it has grown so much better than I could have anticipated,” Roxanne proudly shared.

Her innovative approach to combining herbalism with witchcraft has set her apart from other businesses in the area. Using her knowledge from our courses, Roxanne crafts handmade herbal blends and witchcraft items tailored to each person, offering a unique personal touch. She creates these blends to meet specific personal needs and conditions, ensuring each product is customised and effective.

A Testament to the Power of Education

Roxanne’s success story reveals the powerful impact our courses have, combined with the determination to succeed. 

“If I didn't progress my knowledge with these courses, I don't think I would have had the confidence to take the leap to start my business when I did. I would recommend the Centre of Excellence to anyone who would like to progress their knowledge in the hopes of helping them start a business of their own,” Roxanne advised.

Take the Next Step in Your Journey

Roxanne’s story is just one of many inspiring journeys made possible by Centre of Excellence. If you’re ready to transform your life and pursue your passions, we invite you to explore our Advanced Master Herbalism Diploma Course, available now for a discounted price of £29. This is a limited-time offer, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to start your own journey of personal and professional growth.

Why Study with Centre of Excellence?

  • Affordability: Our courses are designed to be cost-effective, providing a more economical option than many other online courses.
  • Flexible Timing: Our courses come without any time restrictions, allowing you to study at your own pace and schedule.
  • Diverse Range of Subjects: We cater to many interests, offering courses in everything from history and business to hobbies & crafts, and even the supernatural.
  • Comprehensive Support and Guidance: Upon enrolling, you'll be paired with one of our supportive personal tutors. Additionally, you'll get exclusive access to our Facebook Study Group, a vibrant community for sharing knowledge and connecting with fellow learners.

Join us at Centre of Excellence and begin your transformative educational journey today. Explore our full range of courses and find the perfect one to help you achieve your goals.

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