Tarot cards have been used for centuries to gain insight into the past, present, and future, empowering their readers in a multitude of ways. In this blog, we take a look at some of the essential details, and unveil a few of the secrets that are held within each card.

Tarot cards next to a candle

What is Tarot Reading?

Tarot reading is a divination practice that involves the use of a deck of tarot cards to gain insights into various aspects of life. Originating in the 15th century, tarot cards were initially used as playing cards but, over time, they evolved into a powerful tool for spiritual guidance and self-reflection.

Symbols play a pivotal role in tarot cards, acting as gateways to the subconscious mind and conveying messages. Each card is adorned with rich and intricate symbols that hold layers of meaning, allowing the reader to tap into the collective unconscious. The symbols within tarot cards are believed to stimulate our intuition and guide us on personal journeys of self-discovery.

Major Arcana Cards

The Major Arcana cards in tarot hold immense significance as they represent powerful archetypal energies and transformative experiences. Each card has a unique symbolism, carrying meaning and interpretations that provide valuable insights into our lives and the human journey as a whole.

The Fool Tarot

Symbolising new beginnings and embracing the unknown, The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity, and taking risks with an open heart.

The Magician Tarot

With mastery over the elements, The Magician signifies personal power, manifestation, and the ability to harness one's skills and resources to create change.

The High Priestess Tarot

Representing intuition and spiritual wisdom, The High Priestess is a guardian of hidden knowledge and invites exploration of the subconscious mind.

The Empress Tarot

Associated with abundance, creativity, and nurturing energy, The Empress embodies fertility, growth, and the harmonious connection with nature.

The Emperor Tarot

Standing for authority, structure, and stability, The Emperor represents leadership, order, and the responsible use of power.

The Hierophant Tarot

Symbolising tradition, spiritual guidance, and wisdom, The Hierophant encourages seeking wisdom from established belief systems and spiritual teachings.

The Lovers Tarot

Beyond romantic love, The Lovers card represents choices, partnerships, and the harmony of opposites, emphasising the need for balance and deep connections.

The Chariot Tarot

Representing determination, control, and victorious progression, The Chariot symbolises overcoming obstacles via focused intention and willpower.

Strength Tarot

Depicting inner strength, courage, and resilience, Strength encourages us to tap into our inner power and compassion to face challenges with grace.

The Hermit Tarot

Signifying introspection, solitude, and seeking inner truth, The Hermit invites us to withdraw from the noise of the world to find wisdom within ourselves.

Wheel of Fortune Tarot

Representing the cycles of life, destiny, and change, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is ever-evolving, and our actions influence our outcomes.

Justice Tarot

Symbolising fairness, balance, and moral integrity, Justice represents the consequences of our actions and the need for ethical decision-making.

The Hanged Man Tarot

Offering a different perspective, The Hanged Man represents surrender, self-sacrifice, and spiritual enlightenment gained through letting go.

Death Tarot

Not literal death, but rather a symbol of transformation and rebirth, Death signifies the end of one phase and the beginning of another, urging us to embrace change.

Temperance Tarot

Symbolising harmony, moderation, and balance, Temperance encourages finding equilibrium and integrating opposing forces within ourselves.

The Devil Tarot

Signifying bondage, temptation, and illusions, The Devil card calls us to recognise self-imposed limitations and break free from destructive patterns.

The Tower Tarot

Representing sudden change, upheaval, and liberation, The Tower brings down outdated structures to pave the way for personal growth and renewal.

The Star Tarot

Symbolising hope, inspiration, and guidance, The Star offers healing, renewed faith, and the realisation of our aspirations.

The Moon Tarot

Associated with intuition, dreams, and the subconscious mind, The Moon guides us through the realms of mystery and encourages inner exploration.

The Sun

Radiating joy, vitality, and optimism, The Sun card represents success, happiness, and the unfolding of our true selves.

Judgement Tarot

Signifying self-reflection, evaluation, and rebirth, Judgement calls for self-awareness and making peace with the past to move forward.

The World Tarot

Representing completion, wholeness, and achievement, The World signifies the culmination of a journey and the integration of all aspects of ourselves.

Tarot cards being held in a ring of candles

Minor Arcana Cards

The Minor Arcana cards in tarot complement the Major Arcana by delving into the practical aspects of life and everyday experiences. They are divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles - that represent different elements and aspects of our lives.

Wands (Fire)

Associated with inspiration, passion, and creativity, the Wands suit represents the element of Fire. It signifies ambition, energy, and personal growth.

Cups (Water)

Aligned with emotions, relationships, and intuition, the Cups suit represents the element of Water. It symbolises love, compassion, and the realm of the heart.

Swords (Air)

Linked to intellect, communication, and mental clarity, the Swords suit represents the element of Air. It signifies thoughts, conflicts, and the power of the mind.

Pentacles (Earth)

Connected to material abundance, practicality, and the physical realm, the Pentacles suit represents the element of Earth. It symbolises prosperity, stability, and our relationship with the material world.

Within each suit, the Minor Arcana cards consist of Ace to Ten, representing the progression of energies and experiences within that particular element. Each card within the Ace to Ten range carries its own symbolism and significance. For example, the Ace represents new beginnings and potential, while the Ten signifies completion or fulfilment in the respective element.

The Court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King) further enrich the Minor Arcana by embodying personalities and representing individuals or significant influences in our lives. The Page represents youthful energy, curiosity, and new opportunities. The Knight embodies action, drive, and progression. The Queen embodies maturity, emotional intelligence, and nurturing qualities. The King represents authority, leadership, and mastery of the suit's energies.

Additional symbols are also found in tarot cards to enhance the depth of tarot readings and provide additional layers of meaning.

  • Astrological symbols link tarot cards to the celestial forces and planetary influences.
  • Numerology assigns significance to numbers, adding a numerical dimension to interpretations.
  • Colours hold symbolic value, conveying emotions and energies.
  • Animals carry symbolic associations, representing qualities and archetypal traits.
  • Geometric shapes contribute to the card's overall symbolism, conveying balance, harmony, or dynamic energy.
A ring of tarot cards alongside crystals

Using Tarot Symbols in Readings

When interpreting symbols in a tarot reading, it is crucial to consider the context of the reading and the question at hand. Take into account both the traditional meanings that are associated with the symbols and how they relate to the querent's specific situation. By blending these aspects, you can provide insightful guidance that resonates with the querent's unique circumstances.

Trusting your intuition is just as important. Allow yourself to tap into your inner knowing and pay attention to any intuitive impressions that arise when observing the symbols on the cards. Remember that your personal connection with the symbols is equally significant. Take time to explore their meanings beyond conventional interpretations and reflect on how they resonate with you. This personal relationship with the symbols will deepen your understanding and enhance your ability to convey their messages.

To effectively incorporate symbols into your tarot readings, engage your imagination and activate your visualisations. Let the symbols come alive in your mind's eye, creating a vibrant story that adds layers of meaning to the reading. Additionally, consider keeping a tarot journal to document your interpretations of symbols over time. This practice allows for reflection and tracking of recurring symbols, facilitating a deeper understanding of their significance.

If you're eager to delve even further into the world of tarot, consider enrolling on our accredited Tarot Diploma Course. For just £29 (save £98!) you can enhance your understanding and master the art of tarot reading. Embrace the transformative power of tarot symbols and embark on a journey of self-discovery and intuitive exploration!

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