There's nothing better than laughing and feeling instant joy, but have you ever wondered why laughing feels so good? In this article, we'll explain what happens when you laugh, the science behind laughter, and why laughter therapy might be the missing piece of your wellness practice.

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Physiological Benefits of Laughter

When you laugh, your body undergoes several physiological changes in a short amount of time.

One of the first changes that occur when you laugh is increased heart rate and blood pressure. This increase in heart rate and blood pressure helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs, which can help to improve your overall health.

In addition to the increase in heart rate and blood pressure, laughing also causes your breathing rate to increase. This increase in breathing rate helps to oxygenate your blood and can help to improve your overall lung function.

Another physiological change that occurs when you laugh is the release of tension in your muscles. Laughing causes your muscles to relax, which can help to reduce muscle tension and improve your overall flexibility.

As you can see, the simple act of laughing provides so many benefits to your body, positively impacting your overall health and well-being. So, the next time you find yourself laughing, remember that you're not only having fun but also doing your body a favour!

A man and woman laughing together.

Psychological Benefits of Laughter

When you laugh, you are also positively impacting your mind and mood. 

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote a sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain. 

Laughter can also have a positive impact on your mindset. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by lowering the levels of stress hormones in your body

A good laugh also helps you gain perspective and insight. Sometimes, we are so consumed with worry and doubt that we can feel a sense of heaviness. When we laugh, we are transported to a place of happiness, realising that some of our problems might not be so complicated after all.  

Regular laughter has also been shown to improve levels of resilience. When we can see the lighter side of situations or challenges, our ability to bounce back is improved, fostering a growth mindset and a more optimistic outlook on life. 

Overall, many amazing things happen when you laugh, including many physical and psychological benefits that can improve your overall well-being. So, go ahead and laugh out loud!

Two women laughing together

Social Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is good for your physical and mental health and can also have positive social benefits. Here are some ways laughter can help you build relationships and strengthen bonds with others.

Building Relationships

Laughter is a great way to break the ice and build relationships. Sharing a laugh with someone creates a sense of camaraderie and makes you feel more connected to that person. This can be especially important in social situations where you may only know a few people.

In addition, laughter can help to make you more approachable and likeable. People are naturally drawn to those who have a good sense of humour and can make them laugh. If you want to make new friends or improve your relationships with others, try to find ways to inject some humour into your interactions.

Strengthening Bonds

Laughter can also help to strengthen existing bonds with friends, family, and romantic partners. Sharing a laugh with someone you care about can help create positive memories and reinforce your connection with that person.

In addition, laughter can help to diffuse tension and conflict in relationships. When you find humour in difficult situations, it helps to ease the tension and make it easier to work through problems together.

Overall, laughter is a powerful tool for building and strengthening relationships. So, the next time you are with friends or family, try to inject some humour into your interactions and see how it can help bring you closer together.

A group of friends laughing together.

As you can see, a lot happens when you laugh, both on a physical, mental, and social level. If you want to take these benefits to the next level, it might be worth trying laughter therapy.

What is Laughter Therapy?

Laughter therapy, also known as laughter yoga, is a form of therapy that involves intentional laughter to promote physical and mental well-being. It is based on the idea that the body cannot distinguish between real and fake laughter and that both types have the same physiological and psychological benefits.

During a laughter therapy session, participants engage in exercises involving laughing, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques. These exercises are designed to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote feelings of joy and happiness.

Laughter therapy is a safe and effective way to improve physical and mental health. It can be practised in a group setting or on your own and can be a great way to relieve stress and promote happiness and well-being.

Methods in Laughter Therapy

Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga is a form of exercise that involves prolonged voluntary laughter. It combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing techniques. Laughter yoga aims to reduce stress and promote relaxation. 

Participants engage in various laughter exercises and games during a laughter yoga session. These exercises are designed to encourage spontaneous laughter, which helps the body destress and endorphins flow. 

Laughter yoga sessions typically last for 30 to 60 minutes. They can be conducted in groups or one-on-one. During a session, participants may be asked to perform "milkshake laughter" or "greeting laughter" exercises. These exercises involve pretending to shake a milkshake or greeting someone while laughing. 

If you're interested in attending a laughter class, expect silliness, play, and a really good time!

A group of men and women laughing with their hands up during a yoga class.

Laughter Meditation

Laughter meditation is a form of meditation that involves laughing intentionally. Like laughter yoga, participants are encouraged to laugh for no reason, but this practice involves being still rather than engaging in various activities.

During a session, participants may be asked to perform "silent laughter" or "heart laughter" exercises. These exercises involve laughing without making any noise or imagining their laughter coming from their heart.

In addition to laughter exercises, laughter meditation sessions may include breathing exercises and guided visualisations. This is a great option for those who prefer a gentle, less active form of laughter therapy. 

Both laughter yoga and laughter meditation are effective methods of laughter therapy. They can help to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

A man sat on a yoga mat laughing.

Implementing Laughter Therapy in Daily Life

Laughter therapy is a simple and effective way to improve your health and well-being. It can be easily incorporated into your daily life, with numerous benefits. Here are some ways to implement laughter therapy in your daily routine:

Watch Comedy Shows

Watching your favourite comedy show or movie is an easy way to get a good laugh. Make sure to choose shows that you find funny and entertaining. Laughter is contagious, and you will laugh with the characters.

Socialise with Friends and Family

Laughter is best shared with others. Spending time with friends and family who make you laugh is a great way to boost your mood and reduce stress. Plan activities that involve laughter, such as playing games, telling jokes, or watching funny videos.

Practice Laughter Exercises

Laughter exercises are designed to stimulate laughter and promote relaxation. They can be done alone or with a group. Some examples of laughter exercises include laughing for no reason, fake laughing, and laughing while doing physical activities. You can find many exercises in our accredited Laughter Yoga Diploma Course. 

Attend Laughter Therapy Sessions

If you want to take laughter therapy to the next level, you can attend laughter therapy sessions. These sessions are led by trained professionals who guide you through laughter exercises and techniques. They are a great way to connect with others and improve your overall well-being.

Find Humour in Everyday Life

One of the best ways to implement laughter therapy daily is to find humour in everyday situations. Look for the funny side of things and try not to take life too seriously. Laughing at yourself and your mistakes can be a great way to relieve stress and improve your mood.

A man and two women in a cinema laughing at a film.

Study Laughter Therapy for £29

Our accredited Laughter Therapy Diploma Course is an excellent diploma for those wishing to know more about this practice. In addition to providing knowledge on the theories and practices of Laughter Therapy, the course explores the therapy itself as a career path. Enrol today for just £29 (saving £98) and begin inviting more joy and lightness into your life. 

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