Have you ever wondered about the different ways narcissism can manifest? It's a topic that fascinates many, especially when considering how it impacts relationships and personal growth. 

Narcissism isn't a one-size-fits-all; in fact, there's a spectrum that includes various narcissist types, each with unique characteristics. Let's dive into what these types are, exploring the nuances of narcissistic personality disorder types and shedding light on the question: what are the seven types of narcissism?

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What is Narcissism?

A woman smiling at her reflection in the mirror that she has drawn a heart around

Narcissism refers to a spectrum of self-centred behaviours and attitudes characterised by an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, a lack of empathy for others, and, often, difficulty handling criticism. It stems from the myth of Narcissus, a figure from Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection, symbolising self-admiration taken to an extreme.

1. The Classic Narcissist: Grandiosity at Its Core

When most people think of a narcissist, they're likely picturing the Classic Narcissist. This type is characterised by grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. They often present themselves with much confidence, sometimes bordering on arrogance. Classic narcissists thrive on being the centre of attention and may become upset or angry if they feel they're not receiving the recognition they deserve. Understanding grandiosity narcissism helps us recognise these individuals who believe they're superior to others, often leading to strained relationships.

Example situations

  • Manipulating Social Situations: A person may coerce their friends into throwing a surprise birthday party for them, hinting at their expectation for grand gestures of admiration, and getting upset if the event does not meet their high standards or feel upstaged by someone else.
  • Workplace Dominance: A classic narcissist might take credit for a team's success, positioning themselves at the forefront during presentations or meetings, even if their contribution was minimal, to ensure they receive the lion's share of recognition and praise.

2. The Vulnerable Narcissist: Sensitivity Hidden Behind Walls

Contrary to the boldness of the Classic Narcissist, the Vulnerable Narcissist appears more sensitive and withdrawn. This type may struggle with self-esteem and harbour feelings of inadequacy yet still possess a strong sense of entitlement and sensitivity to criticism. They might not seek the spotlight like their grandiose counterparts, but they equally crave recognition and admiration, often feeling hurt or neglected when it's not given.

Example situations

  • Social Withdrawal after Criticism: After receiving even mild feedback or criticism, a vulnerable narcissist might withdraw from social interactions, brooding over the perceived attack and expecting others to notice and console them, often exaggerating the severity of the incident to gain sympathy and reaffirmation of their worth.
  • Relationship Manipulation: A vulnerable narcissist may frequently test their partner's loyalty and love, interpreting any desire for personal space or differing opinions as abandonment or rejection and using emotional manipulation to ensure constant attention and validation.

3. The Communal Narcissist: Benevolence with a Twist

Communal Narcissists are interesting because they appear to be generous and concerned with the welfare of others. However, their motivation is driven by receiving admiration for their generosity rather than genuine empathy. They want to be seen as the most helpful, the most giving, or the most devoted. This type of narcissism highlights the complexity of the narcissist spectrum, showing that the desire for admiration can wear many masks.

Example situations

  • Charitable Deception: Someone organises a charity event and extensively publicises their leadership and generosity, exaggerating their role or the effort they put in to garner admiration. They might also downplay the contributions of others or choose causes that are high-profile or trendy to boost their social capital rather than out of genuine concern.
  • Manipulating Friendships for Status: A communal narcissist might go out of their way to help a friend in need, but only if their actions are highly visible to others or can be shared on social media. They expect their "good deeds" to be publicly acknowledged and may become resentful or distant if they feel their generosity hasn't been sufficiently recognised or rewarded.

4. The Malignant Narcissist: Aggression and Paranoia

Malignant Narcissism is on the more severe end of the spectrum, characterised by traits of aggression, often coupled with paranoia. This type may engage in manipulative or exploitative behaviours and show little regard for the rights or feelings of others. They blend aspects of narcissism with antisocial behaviour, making them particularly challenging in personal and professional relationships.

Example situations

  • Undermining Others: A malignant narcissist in a managerial position might deliberately set impossible targets for their team, criticise their efforts harshly, and take pleasure in the power dynamics, fostering a toxic work environment.
  • Social Sabotage: A person might spread rumours or lies about friends or colleagues to isolate them socially, maintaining control and ensuring they remain dominant in any group setting.

5. The Covert Narcissist: Quietly Self-Centred

Covert Narcissists, sometimes referred to as the 'closet' narcissists, present a facade of humility or self-deprecation, but this masks their entitlement and sensitivity to criticism. Unlike the overt grandiosity displayed by the Classic Narcissist, the Covert Narcissist's sense of superiority is more hidden, only revealed in subtle comments or actions that suggest they feel they're better than others.

Example situations

  • Passive-Aggressive Behavior: A covert narcissist may give a backhanded compliment that seems kind on the surface but is designed to belittle the recipient, like commenting on how surprisingly good a presentation was given the person's usual standards.
  • Victim Positioning: They might also play the victim in situations where their sense of entitlement is challenged, subtly manipulating others to sympathise with them and reaffirm their special status without appearing overtly narcissistic.

6. The Somatic Narcissist: Body and Beauty First

Somatic Narcissists are obsessed with their appearance, physical health, and sexual conquests. They derive their self-worth from their body and often seek validation for their attractiveness or physical fitness. This type may spend considerable time and resources on their appearance and enjoy flaunting their physical attributes to prove their superiority.

Example situations

  • Social Media Bragging: A somatic narcissist might constantly post selfies and updates about their fitness achievements, diets, or physical appearance on social media, seeking validation and admiration for their body, often to the exclusion of other attributes or interests.
  • Relationship Dynamics: In relationships, they may prioritise physical attractiveness above all else, using their partner as a status symbol, and may become critical of their partner's appearance, pressuring them to uphold certain beauty or fitness standards.

7. The Cerebral Narcissist: Intellect Over Everything

In contrast to the Somatic Narcissist, the Cerebral Narcissist values intellect above all. They pride themselves on their intelligence, achievements, and knowledge, often looking down on those they perceive as intellectually inferior. Cerebral Narcissists crave admiration for their minds and may use their intellect to belittle or manipulate others to maintain a sense of superiority.

Example situations

  • Intellectual One-upmanship: A cerebral narcissist might dominate conversations at social gatherings, flaunting their knowledge or education to belittle others, turning discussions into competitions to prove their intellectual superiority.
  • Professional Manipulation: In the workplace, they may hoard information or opportunities for advancement, undermining colleagues to highlight their indispensability and intelligence, and may react with disdain or sabotage if someone else's ideas are recognised over their own.

Common Questions About Narcissism

A thumbs up with a woman standing on it and a crown on her head facing a thumbs down with one woman and two men stood on it

Can narcissism be treated or cured?

While there's no straightforward "cure" for narcissism, treatment options are available that can help individuals manage their symptoms. Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), is effective in helping narcissists understand their thoughts and behaviours, develop healthier self-esteem, and learn to relate to others more positively. However, the success of treatment largely depends on the individual's willingness to engage and make changes.

How does narcissism affect relationships?

Narcissism can significantly impact relationships, often leading to challenges such as communication breakdowns, emotional distance, and conflicts. Narcissists may struggle with empathy, making it hard for them to understand or care about their partner's feelings. This can result in a dynamic where the relationship revolves around the narcissist's needs and desires, potentially leading to emotional abuse or neglect.

Are there environmental factors that contribute to narcissism?

Both genetic and environmental factors can contribute to the development of narcissistic traits. Environmental influences may include parenting styles, such as excessive pampering or high expectations, childhood trauma, and societal values that emphasise success and appearance. These factors can shape someone’s personality and influence the development of narcissistic behaviours.

Is there a link between narcissism and social media?

Research suggests that there is a correlation between narcissistic traits and social media usage. Social media platforms can provide a space for people to seek attention and validation, which aligns with the narcissistic need for admiration. However, it's important to note that not all social media users who enjoy attention or sharing about their lives are narcissists.

How can I protect myself from the negative impacts of a narcissist?

Protecting yourself from the negative impacts of a narcissist involves setting healthy boundaries, seeking support from friends, family, or professionals, and focusing on your own mental health and well-being. Educating yourself about narcissism, as you are doing now, can also help you understand and manage your interactions with narcissistic individuals more effectively.

Can a person have narcissistic traits without being a narcissist?

Someone can exhibit narcissistic traits without having Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Narcissism exists on a spectrum, and many individuals may display some narcissistic behaviours at times without meeting the criteria for NPD. It's the persistence, intensity, and impact of these traits that distinguish narcissistic personality disorder from occasional narcissistic behaviour.

What’s the Difference Between Narcissism and Healthy Self Esteem?

It's important to distinguish between healthy self-esteem and narcissism. Healthy self-esteem is about having a balanced and realistic view of yourself, including strengths and weaknesses. In contrast, narcissism is marked by an inflated self-view and disregard for others' feelings or needs. 

How is Narcissistic Personality Disorder diagnosed?

NPD is diagnosed by a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, through clinical evaluation. This includes assessing the individual's history, behaviours, and the extent to which their narcissistic traits impair their daily functioning and relationships, in line with the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

Effectively Handle Narcissism With Centre of Excellence

Journey into the depths of narcissism with our Dealing With Narcissism Diploma Course, crafted to offer insights and strategies for understanding and handling narcissistic behaviours effectively.

Why Centre of Excellence?

  • Accessibility: Our commitment is to make education accessible to all. This course is priced to ensure that learning about narcissism is inclusive and available to anyone interested.
  • Flexibility: Our courses are designed with your lifestyle in mind, allowing you to learn at your own pace and seamlessly integrate this valuable knowledge into your daily life.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The curriculum delves into the various aspects of narcissism, providing a thorough understanding of its many forms and how they impact relationships and personal growth.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Enrolment gives you access to personalised tutor support and a community of like-minded learners, creating a robust support network to assist you throughout your educational journey.

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