If you are a home decor enthusiast, then you know that DIY and craft projects are an engaging and enjoyable way of creating unique, personalised spaces in your home. Enter the scented candle - limitlessly customisable, classically enchanting, yet easy to make.

In this article, we take you step-by-step through making candles with various Christmas scents, such as cinnamon and frankincense. The guide includes the materials and equipment you will need and safety precautions to take. Enjoy exploring your next home decor hobby.

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Materials List

You will require the following materials for this Christmas candle project:

  • A pack of soy wax designed for candle making. The amount will depend on the number of Christmas candles you would like to make
  • pack of candle wicks. The length of the wicks you buy will be dependent on the size of the containers you’re using for your Christmas candles
  • Fragrance oils such as ginger, cinnamon, frankincense, orange, cloves, and mandarin - whichever best suits you. However, since we are making Christmas candles, focus mainly on your favourite Christmas scents
  • A spatula
  • Heat-proofed containers (preferably clear glass jars)
  • A double boiler or a medium sized pan and a mixing bowl
  • A thermometer
  • Two pencils or a pair of chopsticks

8 Easy Steps

Step 1: Measuring the Wax

Before you begin the process of making your Christmas candles, ensure you have a clean and even worktop to work on. You may choose to protect the surface with old towels or newspapers for easy cleaning later. Also, be sure to clear away any items that you do not want to get wax on.

Once you have set up your workspace, measure how much wax you need to fill your candle jar. Double this amount since that is how much you will need to melt for each of your Christmas candles.

Step 2: Melting the Wax

Pour the measured amount of wax into your double boiler. Place it on a low heat. It will take between 10 and 15 minutes to melt fully. Stir frequently using a spatula to ensure even melting.

Step 3: Adding the Scented Oils

Once your wax has melted completely, you are now free to add your choice of fragrances. Normally, fragrances are sold in small bottles with a measuring drop on top. You can easily find the most common Christmas fragrance oils such as ginger, cinnamon, frankincense, orange, cloves, and mandarin at your local supplier or online store. Alternatively, you can make your own unique scents.

When adding the fragrance oils to the melted wax, follow the outlined instructions on the candle wax packages on how much scent should be added. Simply pour drops of your fragrance into the wax while stirring.

Step 4: Wick Attachment

Once you have added your favourite Christmas aromas to your wax, you need to attach the wick at the bottom of your candle jar, prior to pouring in the melted wax. You can either attach the wick by dipping the base end into the melted wax and placing it into the bottom of the jar or you can secure it using super glue.

Step 5: Pouring the Wax

Prior to pouring the hot melted wax into the candle jars, you should allow it to cool to 140°C, as this is the best temperature to pour out the wax. Check the temperature using your thermometer.

Slowly pour the hot wax into your jar, while holding the wick in an upright and centred position. However, do not pull on the wick. Remember to leave some wax in your double boiler for topping up your Christmas candle jar later.

NB: Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot wax. Wear oven mitts if necessary.

Step 6: Securing the Wick

The wicks should not sway in the condensing wax. To prevent this, they should be secured in place as the wax cools. You can opt to use two pencils or a pair of chopsticks laid down across the top of the candle jars. By sandwiching the wick in between the chopsticks or pencils, the wick will stay centred as the wax cools and hardens.

Allow your wax to cool for at least four hours at room temperature (ideally about 25°C).

Step 7: Topping Up the Wax

Adding wax is necessary when your cooled wax in the jars develops unappealing holes or cracks. Simply reheat the remaining wax, pour it evenly to cover the holes or cracks, and let it harden.

Step 8: Cutting the Wick

Ideally, candle wicks should protrude about half an inch or less. If the lit wick flickers or develops a tall sooty flame, trim the wick further. For the aromas of the candles to grace your living room effectively, you need a stable flame that is not sooty.

Creative Candle Ideas

In addition to the above Christmas scents, you may opt for variants such as:

  • Floral petals embedded into the wax. You can use petals that match the scent you add to the candle. Add the petals as you pour the wax in step 5.
  • Making coloured candles. You can get candle dye specifically designed for candle making, which will allow you to choose the colours you add to your Christmas candles. Reds and oranges are particularly festive.
  • Embedding "hidden treasures" such as rings and necklaces in step 5 before pouring in the hot wax. It is advised that you take extra care with this and cover any treasures in tin foil first, making sure to fully seal the treasure inside. It is also advised that the treasures added can handle heat and are non-flammable. So, small metal charms and the like.


Making Christmas candles is a straightforward and easy process that you can take up as a hobby during the upcoming festive season. You may opt to make them for your home, as Christmas gifts, or to sell for some additional Christmas spending money. With this guide, you can now indulge in redefining your home décor with amazing Christmas scents while saving money. These Christmas candles will refine the mood and ambience of your entire living area as you enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.

Study Candle Making for £29

If you're interested in learning more about the art of candle making or are eager to start a career in it, then consider enrolling in our Candle Making Business Diploma Course. For a limited time, you can enrol for a discounted price of £29!

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