Embark on a magical journey through the enchanting world of fairy tales, exploring their rich history, diverse cultural contexts, and timeless appeal. Understand the realms where the mystical and the moral intertwine, crafting narratives that have captivated children's and adults' imaginations for centuries.
This course begins with a deep dive into the origin of fairy tales and their historical significance, understanding their sociocultural impact, and how they have been woven into the fabric of societies across generations.
Grasp the intrinsic structures, themes, morals, and symbolic significances of these tales, gaining a deeper knowledge of how these stories have subtly shaped societal norms and values for centuries.
Explore famous fairy tales from varied cultural landscapes, each reflecting its traditions, moral imperatives, and unique storytelling methods, offering a broad and encompassing view of global tales and traditions.
This online course also dives into the mystical world of the Fairy Folk. Become familiar with elves, fairies, and pixies, as well as other enchanting entities such as witches and wizards.
Learn how to critically assess traditional gender roles and stereotypes embedded within fairy tales, uncovering modern reinterpretations of famous stories. This course also delves into the psychological layers of these narratives, examining fairy tales through various analytical lenses whilst pondering their ethical dilemmas.
Conclude your enchanting journey by mastering the art of story crafting and narrative development, ultimately weaving together your own fairy tale and applying the profound knowledge and insights gathered throughout this fairy tale online course.
By studying this course, you’ll learn:
- The origins and history of fairy tales and Fairy Folk.
- The structure and elements of fairy tales.
- Famous fairy tale authors and unsung heroes of the genre.
- The mystical world of elves, fairies and other magical beings.
- Critical and modern-day interpretations of fairy tales.
- How to create and write your fairy tale.