Learn how to decipher the meaning of modern and ancient symbols, the mechanics of good symbol design, and how to go about setting up your own symbology practice, including guidance on the client sessions you can provide and how to grow your practice.
By taking the Symbology Diploma Course you'll learn to become more perceptive of the symbols and codes that are all around us in our day-to-day lives, including how symbology can be found in body language, and how to uncover the messages behind them. This knowledge and wisdom is passed on through exploring how and why symbols have been used throughout history, the hidden meanings behind numbers and codes, and the meanings of common shapes that make up symbols and how differing combinations affect meaning.
The course examines the meaning of animal symbols and why animals are chosen to represent countries. The meaning of various flowers and how different colour combinations symbolise different things is also explained, along with why countries choose to be represented by certain flowers.
You'll learn how current symbols are used and become widely-recognised, and the ways in which ancient symbols are incorporated into modern life, in buildings and bank notes. You'll also see how symbols have a lifespan, with some that are used for a very short duration, while others reappear, sometimes with a different meaning.
The shapes, styles, and colours of symbols have great meaning that can change depending on your location, beliefs, and culture. The effects of these are discussed in the course, along with the symbols associated with various celebrations, events, and festivals across the globe.
Along with imbuing you with a greater knowledge of the subject, the course also explains how you can use this information to create your own symbology practice and the types of consultations and session work you can provide to clients. The course also runs through the practical aspects of building a business, such as the legal and insurance considerations, and what you need to set up your work and consultation space.
To give a greater understanding of the work of a Symbology Practitioner and what a good consultation looks like, you will be guided, step-by-step, through a real symbology session and an average day of someone working within the role.
You'll explore methods of providing your services, the type of work opportunities available to a modern-day symbologist, how to grow your symbology practice, and how to gain and retain clients.